Health And Safety

In 2013 The Marble Group decided to improve its already existing Health & Safety procedures by applying for CHAS (The Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme). CHAS is recognised by the Public and Private sector and shows your company is willing to adhere to HSE (Health and Safety at Work Act) by providing a safe environment for our workers and also our customers we carry out work for. CHAS ensures every company who applies has the correct policies and procedures in place.

After a lengthy process The Marble Group was finally approved in March 2014 and once again in 2015. CHAS needs to be assessed yearly.

The Marble Group carries out quarterly in-house refresher training where all members of staff are required to sit down and carry out online Health & Safety test via Nat West Mentor. Our employees who carry our work on Construction Sites all carry a valid CSCS (Construction Skills Certification Scheme) card which shows they have the right skills for the job and allows them to work on construction sites in a safely manner for themselves and those around them.

Every employee at The Marble Group is always trying to help improve our Health & Safety so we have regular monthly meetings where staff members can come up with suggestions on how to improve the safety for their fellow workers and our customers.

We look forward to carrying out work for you in a safe manner.


    • 0800 652 2013 OR 020 8216 2041