Each £1 of monetary investment in BTL properties during the year 1996 is now worth for over £5.
This comes as good news for landlords as study reveal that Buy-To-let or BTL profits have beaten every other conventional investment, including gilts, bonds, and shares.
Years of increasing house prices indicate that even with the crash after the financial crisis, property investors who bought properties for almost 18 years ago are still on huge capital gains. Growing rates for rents have also improved profits in recent years.
Statistics show that each £1 investment in BTL during the year 1996 is currently worth over £5, outperforming all cash, shares, and bond with a yearly return of 9.4 percent.
Rising property prices and low savings rates have made the buy-to-let scheme rather attractive to certain investors, while lenders have been contending to propose the best deals.
Buy-To-Let investments have been presenting incredible profits for some time now. The numbers and figures clearly reveal just how excellent the return on investment can be on BTL properties.
Landlords will be pleased to hear this information, especially those who have recently invested on a Buy-To-Let property. The growing number of individuals who would rather invest on a buy-to-let property than the conventional types of investments is likely to continue in time.